View from my childhood bedroom | 2019, dimensions variable, pigment on adhesive vinyl



As a young boy, I wanted to become an astronaut. I spent countless hours using my View-Master to explore the universe, imagining that one day I would see the planets with my own eyes. Recently, I found myself sleeping in my childhood bed, which was smaller than I remembered. Everything felt both familiar and foreign, as if the objects were from a previous life, and I was just discovering them for the first time. Once the feelings of nostalgia faded, thoughts entered my mind about failing to become who I wanted to be. Here I was – decades later – a stranger in a bed that was once my sanctuary.

The little prince is an inter-textual installation of photo-based work that draws upon the feelings of failed expectations and alienation, crafting a narrative that allows the viewer to visit seven fictive planets. Paluzzi expands on this work by drawing images and videos from his personal archive to remind himself that even while travelling through outer limits of the universe he brings his past with him.